Wednesday 28 September 2011

Colton Loves Fall

It's been a big month for Colton. He's learned how to expertly apply mommy's lipstick.....

He's learned how much fun it is to play in the leaves.

He's learned how much fun it is to ride a skateboard no matter what the English weather provides.

And he's learning to use the potty and has earned his first pairs of big boy pants! (which by the way, he loves but doesn't get to wear often......yet)

Most of all he's learning patience as we wait eagerly for daddy to come home from Afghanastan!

Brilliant Boarders

I tried to capture a few shots of the boys on their boards. Jackson can drop in and do all kinds of tricks. He's better than most of the kids in the neighborhood after working on his "skills" all summer.

But honestly, Colton at two is just amazingly coordinated. There is one smaller ramp he can ride down on his feet but the rest he rides other ways.

We got lucky this day with a double rainbow sighting. The boys were delighted more by being at the skatepark than the rainbow. Colton loves running his skateboard up the ramps and he likes to ride it down on his knees or bottom.

Friday 9 September 2011


Arrival into Slovakia and a long wait for the rental car followed by a stop at a Tesco's with coffee and Hungarian pastry outside. YUMMY!

The day started at 2:30 with a drive to Stanstead, a flight to Bratislavia, Slovakia and a drive into Budapest. Needless to say trying the Hungarian coffee was a top priority! And of course, what is coffee without a typical Hungarian pastry to go along with it? After checking into our hotel we went to the race area. We took some photos at the start/finish line before checking in and getting our chips and shirts. Then it was off for some fun and delicious Hungarian food.

We decided the best way to see the most of the city on the short amount of time we had left in the day, we should do the hop on/hop off bus. My favorite part was the Citadel area on top of Gellert Hill. There were fun market stalls to explore and I found my second most favoritest pitcher next to the one Jeff bought for me in Ravello. (See how clever I am honey)

As we were walking back to the hotel, we realized they were blocking off the main drag and we assumed it was for the race in the morning. We were mistaken however and were delighted to come across a piano concert in front of the opera house street side. Nothing like strolling the streets of Pest with live concert piano music.

The next morning we headed to the race to stretch and hydrate. Then we were off.

I didn't take a camera with me but it would have been amazing to do so. We ran down the main drag through Heroes Square and then across chain bridge. We spent the majority of time on both sides of the Danube river running the bank. The last part was to run around the back of Parliament and through the city. It was hot and sunny and just a gorgeous day. What a run. Nothing like crossing the finish line with crowds of strangers cheering you on. I even heard the announcer announce my finish and that this had been my first half. The best part was getting my medal. Love it!

After finishing and turning in our chips, we met up with Sarah and after some photo ops we headed back to clean up and do some sightseeing, shopping, and more eating! We continued our hop on hop off tour until we found where we wanted to eat and shop.

Then we boarded a boat for a sunset cruise on the Danube. It was beautiful. And warm.

After the cruise we went back to get some dessert and coffee and rode the metro. It is really clean and beautifully old looking. Gerry and I were exhausted and not looking forward to our early morning drive back to Slovakia.

A quick stop at McDonalds for coffee helped in the morning.