Monday 11 January 2010

The Little Man at 13 Months

Colton is 13 months old now and as busy as ever. He is a climber which is tough on mommy as I can't seem to keep him off of the furniture. In fact, there have been several days Jeff has come home to chairs upturned so that the baby won't climb them anymore.
He loves hats and if he sees one he wants to put it on. He likes to make faces at us. I think he likes the reaction he gets.
He loves his new clipo blocks and cars. He sits and makes all the car noises. He'll carry track around and bring it to me to make the car move on the track. I'm so amazed at how coordinated he is already both gross and small motor. He really concentrates hard on doing something until he can accomplish the task.
We've had several parties over the holiday season and he loves to play with the cans of coke. He'll carry them around and pretend to drink from them even though he doesn't have a clue how to open them.
His new favorite food is the clementine orange. He will sit and eat several in one sitting. And then he'll ask for more. His very favorite word is that, and he points directly at what he wants and says that. Hey plays hard and then sleeps even harder. I can't seem to always get him out of his chair in enough time to start his nap!

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2010! I can't believe it's already 2010. When I was a little girl it seemed like it was SO FAR away and now here we are! We decided to have a party at the last minute, threw on a huge pot of stew and invited some of our friends who weren't traveling over the holiday. We had such a fun night. There was a heated golf tournament on the Wii and an even more heated Texas hold'em tournament. We seem to surround ourselves with folks who can cook and there was food, food, and more food along with the homemade sangria! Colton's favorite part of the evening was when mommy made homemade whipped cream for the tres leches cake, and he got to lick the spoon. Instead of watching the ball drop on Times Square, we watched the fireworks off the London Eye and the mobs of people in downtown London. We were thankful for not being among the throngs of people and realized how old we've all become. We are thankful for our family and friends and are looking forward to the adventures 2010 will bring for the White family.